Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pennies from Heaven

On Monday afternoon we were at my mom's house and Kallyn and I were in my mom's bedroom saying goodbye.  Kallyn bent down by the ironing board and picked up a quarter.  She asked my mom if that had been there earlier.  (I could tell she wanted to tell my mom about money being left behind by loved ones.) My mom said it was really weird but the day before, the pants she had worn to the memorial had been washed and folded and when she picked them up to iron them, change fell out of the pocket.  It had made her think of Geoff because he always had change in his pocked.  He NEVER spent change, he always saved it. She thought she had picked it all up. THEN Kallyn went on to explain the leaving of pennies and other coins by Mo's daddy.

We went home and about 10 minutes later Kallyn came running into my bedroom with a penny in her hand.  She said that when she pulled back her blankets, there was penny on her pillow.  She couldn't believe it after we had just been talking about it.  I said I was sure it happened BECAUSE we had just been talking about it.

The next day my mom had to call me because the lady downstairs had finally moved out and mom was starting work on it and had moved this little table downstairs.  Nothing else was down there.  Nothing. A little while later she took something else down there... and a penny was laying on the table. I don't know if she thought were blowing hot air, but it totally blew her away.  A little later Hailey, the adorable 5 y/o my mom watches, was swinging on the swingset and said "I just felt Geoff push me, I know his spirit is still here."

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