Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Mo Moment ; )

I had to pick Karli & her BF up from her friends house at 10 on Halloween night. I don't like her friend's driveway as it has a little hill to it, with a two block high retaining wall, and you have to drive through a chain link fence/gate, which means backing out of the said gate and I don't back up well. Especially at night.

I was backing up and noticed that I was awfully close to the fence on the drivers side, but I made it (yay!) backing up slowly and turning to the left and there was a sickening THUMP, and GRATING stop. Oh my F@$%@#$ GOD! My left rear tire had gone off the 2 cement blocks and my car door was stuck at the top of the little wall. S T U C K. I could feel my face go three shades of red. Karli said she would go get her friends dad. Oh Lord. Her friend came running out of the house and said this had happened before, they could just take the top block off. I looked. I didn't think so. The dad came out out and mumbled something and went off to the garage. Karli's FB mentioned this was a good time to have AAA. I thought "I am NOT spending hours out here. I am TIRED!" I wanted to cry. Meanwhile the car was running and I thought I should probably turn it off. I didn't need to kill the guy too.

So I half sat and kind of reached into the car to turn off the engine. The CAR STARTED ROLLING BACKWARDS!! A huge sickening scraping of noises and thuds and bangs and I started rolling backwards across the road towoard the ditch. Since the car was stuck, I hadn't thought to put it in park. It was just sitting there in drive. I slammed it into park. I tried to slam on the brake but stepped on the gas. I pried my left foot out of the door (where the door had slammed on my leg and slammed on my foot) and used my left foot to brake. It was all happening so fast my brain was not comprehending or working.

When I looked up, there in the headlights stood the guy with a ramp in one hand and something else in the other hand with a "whatthehelldidyoujustdothatfor?" look on his face. Then he said "Well, try to turn it on." WHAT? TRY? Oh lordy lord. It BETTER start. Thank god it did. I eeked it out of the road and slightly back into their driveway so the kids could get back into it. I went over to the spot in their yard where the grass was torn up and said I was sorry. Guy said not to worry about it and he reached his arms out to hug me as I was visibly shaking. I told him I had 20 years of sobriety and had not been drinking and he could smell my breath. He just sort of laughed. It took me the ride to Kar's BF's house and back before I was calm. My whole left side in pain. My left foot sort of numb & tingling. I have a bruise on my leg. I actually debated whether to tell Jake or not but Karli took care of that for me as soon we got home. She couldn't wait to tell dad she wasn't ever riding with mom again (with a big smile on her face - turkey).


  1. And anyway, if it HAD happened to me? I would have simply let my damn ugly car roll all the way down the hill and pray that it got demolished so I can collect the insurance.

    Thank you, and have a lovely day.

  2. This was my MUSTANG!!!!! That has already been hit by Kallyn...

  3. I said MY stupid ugly dumb car! I wouldn't do it to a Mustang either! Hell, you've given me an idea. What's the address of this house? I'll go there to "pick up Karli" and accidentally on purpose leave my car not in park and watch it roll backwards to explode into a fiery ball of wreckage. Oh don't worry! I'll take Karli out of the car first! (If I remember....No. No, I'll definitely remember. But maybe she can remind me first. Just in case.)

  4. MO: then erase this comment. You know how those insurance people check people out!!

    Demery: I hope you foot and leg are better!!

  5. Next time I do something like that, (and I DO do things like that) I'm going to tell people I'm not drunk and let them smell my breath..... and then later when I get home I'll drink at toast to YOU, Demery! Most normal kids want to be the first to tell Dad what Mom DID. At least she waited till she saw him. Mine would have texted immediately!

  6. Oh Lord! At least you didn't pull a Rainman and start spouting, "I'm an excellent driver!"
