Wednesday, August 4, 2010


It's funny, I got up this morning all excited because it was Friday. What the hell was I thinking?

I called the Vascular Dr office at 9 because no one had called me yet. She said they had received the referral but the Dr was waiting to see my MRI report. She would review that and decide if I needed to have an ultrasound or if she could just see me and treat me. I should be getting a phone call later today to be able to schedule SOMETHING and it shouldn't take very long to get in either way. So.... part of me thinks I should feel better if it is something she could possible just see me and treat me for. So, why do I feel like I am a walking, ticking bomb ready to explode and die? I feel like I have this big "thing" in my neck and it's going to explode. I KNOW IT'S RIDICULOUS I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW .... but I also know that I haven't felt right....for awhile. Maybe this will have something to do with the fact that I can hardly use my right hand. I know it's probably Fibro in my hand, but since it's the right side, maybe it's related. I know it does no good to speculate. But I can't help it. It is hard to not worry.

4:34 pm Still waiting for someone to call me!!! *grumble...sigh*

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