Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Just cut off my head please

I can't take much more of this headache.

I had another "episode" Friday. I hadn't had one in 2 months. I thought I was all done but I had one driving home from work and it was pretty scary. I felt like I was in a video game, not reality. I wanted to pull over but I envisioned crashing into a wall like in a video game so I just stayed straight on the road. I just about crawled into the house and Jake dumped me into bed. It was 5:15 and the next time I woke it was midnight. I had a raging migraine that lasted all weekend and really has not gone away yet - though I have managed to go to work.

Today I see the Vascular doctor at 2 (in fricken B3LL3VU3 - I hate going to that place). The lady who called me about my MRI from the neurologist office said "There is an abnormality in your right carotid". She then said after she faxed the referral to the vascular Dr she would stick it in the mail to me as it had the directions to their office on it. Fine. I get the mail and kinda hope it has some mumbo-jumbo MRI report that I can try to read along with the referral so I rip it open. It is just the referral slip. The only thing written on it? Aneurysm in right carotid. not abnormality. A N E U R Y S M. WTF? No stress. No stress.

I know it might be nothing.... but I have not been feeling right at all. I feel like something is wrong with me and I have been scared. Not just stressed or worried, but scared.


  1. Anerurysms can be fixed, if that is what it is.
    Sorry you are going through this!!
