Friday, September 3, 2010

1 month 95% Gluten Free!

I forgot to post that on the 1st! I have had a few cheats and I have admitted all of them. We were at my mom's house Tuesday and she said "You guys don't really think she doesn't cheat when she's alone do you?" Thanks mom. Hmmm.... wonder why I don't see you very often.

It is not about them or anyone else. If I cheat, I am only cheating myself and if I decide that I deserve it once in awhile, so be it. I am human, not perfect.

So how am I feeling?? Like I have been run over by a truck "(

It took about a week to get through withdrawals, which weren't as bad as they have been in the past when I tried quitting. Until I went in to the grocery store. Every cell in my being soaked up the smell of the bread and screamed for it. Week 2 I started feeling really good - hardly any pain and more energy. That also happend to be the week of wonderfully sunny weather.

Then I walked to much. There is a movie theater here that has 2 flights of stairs to get to the restroom. I went up them 3 times. (twice for myself and the 3rd time w/my aunt). I really can't do stairs. I should have taken the elevator the last time but I am stubborn. It kills me that I can't walk up the friggin stairs. But then I paid. My body went into a flare up. 2 days of 8 pain on the pain scale. Then the weather was nice for a couple days and then raining hard. It kills my body to switch like that. I currently feel like I never quit wheat. No difference at all. sigh.

But I am not giving up yet. I am not supposed to eat gluten/wheat so I am going to stay away except for the occassional cheat.

The 1st two weeks of Aug I had also significantly cut my caffeine. Just my travel mug on the way to work. And maybe my daily Coke, maybe not. Half the time I was only drinking half of it. I think that made a difference but somehow I ended up back to full throttle again. This week I am doing just the travel mug again. Only 2x have I had a Coke. I need some caffeine or I get horrible headaches but I too much caffeine has been shown to cause pain in many people w/FMS.

Usually when I have stopped eating wheat, by the end of the 1st week my stomach is flat. Gluten makes me bloated. So while I might not lose weight right away, the bloatedness goes away and I appear to be slimmer. (LOVE IT) That has NOT happened. >:( And I think I know why. sigh. "(

Dairy. I am not supposed to have dairy either. I took a blood test 2 years ago to find out foods that I am allergic/intolerant too. (that is different than being "allergic" where you get hives or go into anaphylactic shcok). Dairy and Gluten are both foods that I am intolerant of AND both foods that many people with FMS are bothered by.

I think my stomach bloatedness must be coming from dairy, thought I don't have that much. Dairy is what I need to give up next and I am D R E A D I N G it!! I don't drink milk but I love cheese and sour cream and ice cream. I love Mexican food and you can't have Mexican w/out CHEESE. And the cheese alternatives out there SUCK MONKEY BALLS. And you gotta have sour cream on Mexican and you make guacamole w/sour cream. (actually I DID find before a sour cream alternative that was ok, I just have remember where I found it). I passed on a bowl of ice cream last night, even though it killed me. Yes, there are rice milk and soy milk ice creams but they cost a lot more and do not taste the same, but I have eaten them. I was going to stop Dairy 9/1 but somehow the day escaped me. Now I have to pick a new date.

I REALLY want this damn tension headache to go away. It has been at a 5-6 pain most of the time 7-8 others and then triggering a migraine (like right now) pretty much since I got back from Gulf Shores, so 4 months now. I am used to living with a daily headache in the 2-3 range, but 5-6 is too much. I think I am going to try acupuncture again. The lady I liked was not on our insurance plan but we switched recently and she is on our new plan. The new plan has a limit of 12 visits though and she wants you to come like 3x a week so I just have to tell her 1x a week so I can make it last longer.

That's my health update. Over and out.


  1. I'll give you my guacamole recipe (well...Jose's)--NO sour cream! I've never heard of putting sour cream in guacamole, actually. Ew.

  2. So IF you get to the point that you are gluten and dairy free do you think the headaches will subside? I hope so. Not easy to stop either one and I think your dedication to sticking with the plan is to be commmended. Hope it goes well for you. Hugs
